Shift Engineer, Greece

Tapojärvi is specialised in mining and mill services as well as circular economy solutions. Tapojärvi operates as part of an industrial-scale circular economy that is constantly processing industrial by-products and innovating new solutions for the mining industry.

Now we are expanding our operations to prepare for an underground mine into the Chalkidiki region of Greece, in Skouries. Our expansion into the Chalkidiki region signifies our dedication to growth and our belief in the potential of the mining industry in Greece.

Shift Engineer

We are seeking a dedicated and experienced Shift Engineers oversee our mining operations. In this role, you will ensure safe, efficient production and drive our teams to achieve and exceed production targets.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Support mining operations with a focus on safety and efficiency.
  • Coordinate with various teams to execute mining plans effectively.
  • Implement strategies to meet production goals and address any operational challenges.


  • Professional background in Mining Engineering.
  • Proven commitment to safety standards and practices.
  • Relevant experience in the mining industry.
  • In-depth knowledge of mining techniques.

For More Information:
 Vesa-Matti Leiviskä, Manager of Mining Services, Phone: +358 40 6707 212

If you have the qualifications and are ready for a new challenge, we encourage you to apply. 

Apply as soon as possible, but no later than 31 October 2024.

We will start interviews during the application period and recruit as soon as we find the right persons.

Application period starts: 2024-09-06 15:00Application period ends: 2024-10-31 23:59
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
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Personal information
First name *
Last name *
Phone number *
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Email address *
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Street address *
Post number *
City *
Date of birth *
day month year
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Other work experience
Notice! The working experiences will be automatically in chronological ordered from latest to earliest. You can specify your work experience by attaching your CV at the end.
Work title
Work Description
(Max 500 characters)
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Employment started
month year
Employment ended
month year
Highest graduated education
Notice! The education will be automatically in chronological ordered from latest to earliest. You can specify your education by attaching your CV at the end.
Diploma of
Graduation degree
Date of graduation (estimated date of graduation if on-going)
month year
Other studies and courses
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Language and IT skills
Finnish *
English *
Can you use English as your working language?
Other language skills
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IT skills
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Other information
Salary request
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Reference at Tapojärvi
Other references and their contact information
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File size max. 5120 kB. Allowed files: rtf, doc, odt, pdf, txt, docx.
Open application letter
Other interests
Please, fill in the open application if we don’t have other interesting vacancies available. You can use this application form for other vacancies and avoid filling in the same information again.
My application can be used for all open or to be open jobs in Tapojärvi *